Click here for 2022 Venom Team Info pdf

Coach Pete Cimino, President
Venom Motto: Player Development at all Costs NOT Winning at all Costs
Focus: Improve physical skills, mental game, preparedness & knowledge to yield high
performance on the field.
Better Performance = Higher Confidence = FUN
Objective, Goals, Culture, Training, Practice, Games, Costs
a. Defense
i. Basics of infield & outfield
ii. How to properly field and throw at each position.
iii. Situational Play: What to do at every position in every situation.
iv. All cut-offs & relays with intelligence, execution & communication.
b. Pitching
i. Total Body Mechanics
1. Safe effective pitching mechanics, using biomechanics (laws of physics applied to
the human body.
2. Achieve Dominant Longevity. This is actualized when the DL9 have been achieved.
ii. DL9
1. Pitcher Strong
2. Arm Safety
3. Biomechanically Sound Mechanics
4. Maximum Velocity
5. Optimum, Accuracy
6. Late Ball Movement
7. Preparedness
8. Mental Toughness
9. Intelligence.
c. Hitting:
i. Rotational Hitting – most important body movement is hip rotation.
ii. Powerful, effective hitting mechanics using explosive hip rotation ignited by the back hip
iii. Implement biomechanics for proper body, hand, bat and feet positions, which in turn
leads to a powerful swing producing rising long drives.
iv. Develop into what we call the “Complete Hitter”. A hitter who can hit with power to all
fields on a consistent basis.
d. Catcher:
i. Physical Basics
1. Stances
2. Targets
3. Framing
4. Blocking
ii. Pop Time
iii. Working with your pitcher
iv. Working the umpire
v. Leader
e. Intelligence: Become the smartest players on the field. Learn the inside and outs of the game
including the mental.
f. Preparation: Learn how to properly warm up both physically and mentally to become the best
prepared player on the field.
g. Instincts: This comes with Intelligence that comes from situational training on defense and base
running drills.
h. Mental Toughness: Keep your emotions in check no matter what happens on the field.
i. End Results: Become the best player you can be both physically and mentally. Become the best
prepared players on the field. Become the smartest players on the field. Have FUN! Show respect
for your teammates, coaches, opponents, umpires, adults etc.
a. Player improvement, growth & welfare are our number ONE priority
b. Work Hard: Just going to practice & games are not enough
c. Be coachable
d. Have Fun
e. Team Camaraderie
f. Sportsmanship
g. Respect: Coaches, Teammates, Coaches, Umpires, Opponents, Parents
h. Venom is one big family
i. Family “clicks”, “gossip” & bad mouthing a team, a coach or the organization will not be tolerated.
Make each player:
1.The best player they can possibly be both physically and mentally.
2. The best prepared player on the field
3.The smartest player on the field.
4. The hardest working player on the field
6. Understand the value of team comradery & unity
7. Have FUN
➢ A player’s growth is not measured by the scoreboard or team’s record. It is measured by how hard they
work, how much they learn, improve (mentally & physically) and evolve as young people.
➢ Working hard at practices, lessons, at home and on the field is a center piece of our program. Those that
do not want to work hard will most likely play less.
➢ We do everything in our power to instill a work ethic that puts each player in a position be all the above
things. Hard Work Pays Off. It is the work you do away from practices that truly makes you a great player.
➢ Winning is a by-product of these. However, it is not the main objective.
➢ There is no point in playing if you don’t have FUN! It’s a game! When you work hard, find success on the
field, and play with teammates that are all on the same page, that’s when you have FUN.
➢ Humor is another large part of our success. Quite often (for those that know me) I am the focal point of
jokes & laughter. I think it’s awesome. Our coaches & instructors have the same approach.
➢ What we want on our Venom teams are players that choose to be “memorable” by their work ethic, team
comradery and growth vs. forgettable (those who are selfish and only care about themselves)
• 12U
o Head Coach will be hired.
o Assistant Coaches are dads who volunteer, know the game of baseball and mesh with the
teaching & coaching styles laid out in this document.
o Players will play at their skill level. If they are good enough to play up, that can happen. If they
have a summer birthday, (a tweener), they will play on the team where they can find success,
not what the parents or player wants. This is Coach Pete, the Instructors & Head Coach’s
o Regular season will consist of:
▪ 12-20 Regular Season games
• Option 1: If the 12U skill level is good enough they will play at A Level in the
WSBL. However, we are not leaning that way at this time.
• Option 2: Sunday league + one scheduled game per week against “like”
• Option 3: 2 Scheduled games per week vs. “like” competition
• Total will be 16-20-16 Regular season games
▪ Five Tournaments: (Goal is to finish by mid-July)
• 4 local
• 1 out of state tournament that will require overnight stays.
• These will be decided by Coach Pete & the Head Coach
• We will only enter tournaments that are at our skill level. After learning a few
tricks these passed months, I more confident that I can make that happen.
o The hope is to play approximate 35-45 games total
• 13U
o Head Coach will be hired.
o Assistant Coaches are dads who volunteer, know the game of baseball and mesh with the
teaching & coaching styles laid out in this document.
o Players will play at their skill level. If they are good enough to play up, that can happen. If they
have a summer birthday, (a tweener), they will play on the team where they can find success,
not what the parents or player wants. This is Coach Pete, the Instructors & Head Coach’s
o Regular season will consist of:
▪ WSBL: 18+ regular season games
▪ We will play at the level we feel our talent & experience dictates.
o Five to Six Tournaments: (Goal is to finish by end of July)
▪ 4-5 local tournaments
▪ 1-2 out of state tournament that will require overnight stays.
▪ These will be decided by Coach Pete & the Head Coach
▪ We will only enter tournaments that are at our skill level. After learning a few tricks
these passed months, I more confident that I can make that happen.
o The hope is to play approximate 40-50 games total
• 14U
o Head Coach will be hired.
o Assistant Coach will be hired
o The rest of the coaching staff will be dads who volunteer, know the game of baseball and
mesh with the teaching & coaching styles laid out in this document.
o Regular season will consist of:
▪ WSBL: 18+ regular season games
▪ We will play at the level we feel our talent & experience dictates.
o Five to six Tournaments: (Goal is to finish by mid-July)
▪ 4-5 local tournaments
▪ 1-2 out of state tournament that will require overnight stays.
o These will be decided by Coach Pete & the Head Coach
o We will only enter tournaments that are at our skill level. After learning a few tricks these
passed months, I more confident that I can make that happen.
o The hope is to play approximate 40-50 games total
• 15U & 16-17U
o Head Coach will be hired.
o Assistant Coach will be hired
o This is strictly a tournament team.
o Season begins as soon as the high school season is over.
o There will be anywhere from 6-8 tournaments. It depends on timing, tournament availability
at our level & other mitigating factors.
▪ 4 to 6 Local
▪ 2 out of state
o If we only play 6 tournaments, we will create some extra scheduled games at the same level
as our team.
• Outside Tryouts will stop at the end of August
• All other tryouts will be private tryouts with Coach Pete & Head Coach
• Players are chosen based on the following:
o Skill Level
o Coachability
o Baseball instincts and knowledge
o Work Ethic (we only want players who are willing to do MORE than just show up to practices
& games) This will dictate how well you perform, which will dictate playing time. Playing time
is earned
o Personality
o Parents
o During this time, player priorities are Family, School, then baseball. o If a player plays another sport, permission will be granted to miss practices as needed.
However, if a player misses a large majority of the training practices, this could result in
repercussions. So, if your player does play another sport, please let your Head Coach & Coach
Pete know up front.
o It is also recommended, that if you are struggling with a particular part of the game, that you
come in for extra lessons at the discounted rates. The one-on-one lessons that are part of the
package cannot be used until after the season starts (See below).
o Lessons during this time are NOT mandatory. However, if the skill set isn’t where it should be
this is the best option to improve.
• All teams will receive pro level, expert off-season training and instruction using the most modern and
reliable methods in the industry. These will be led by Coach Pete Cimino and his qualified staff.
o Fielding – Coach Jaime & Coach Jimmy Parsons
o Pitching – Coach Pete
o Hitting – Coach Pete or other qualified instructors
o Catcher Position – Coach Jaime
• All indoor training and lessons will be held at the Willowbrook Burr Ridge Sports Performance Center 7850 S. Quincy St, Willowbrook.
• 15U & 16-17U Winter/Spring training will begin in the middle of December & will end just before the
players report to their HS teams. As of now high school players will be reporting to their teams at the
end of February. Once they report in, they cannot participate in any travel team activities other than
taking lessons. That is the only thing that is allowed.
• 12U, 13U, 14U will begin approximately the week of January 10th
• 15 & 16-17U Training plan.
o 12 Defense (Head Coaches & Coach Pete’s staff)
o 8 Pitching (Coach Pete & his staff)
o 8 Hitting (Coach Pete & his staff)
o 8 Catcher Position (Coach Jaime)
o 4 Pitcher & Catcher (Coach Pete & Coach Jaime)
•12U, 13U, 14U
o 12 Defense (Head Coaches & Coach Pete’s staff)
o 8 Pitching (Coach Pete & his staff)
o 8 Hitting (Coach Pete & his staff)
o 8 Catcher Position (Coach Jaime)
o 4 Pitcher & Catcher (Coach Pete & Coach Jaime)
• All Venom Players will be offered discounted lessons by Coach Pete and his NSOBS staff. As stated,
these are not mandatory. And these are not the 6 one on one lessons that are included in the
o Pitching $50
o Catcher Position $44
o Hitting $40
o Throwing Program $45
o Fielding $40
•You can also take the lessons as a double or small group. This will decrease the price.
• Six 1 on 1 lessons are offered included in the playing price.
o These can only be used AFTER the season starts.
o They are meant to help players continue to improve throughout the season.
• We do not offer this type of training as part of the playing fee.
• However, we highly recommend that our players take part in at least one of two physical training
programs offered by B3 Human Performance & Coach Ben Chantos at T’s Training Academy in
• The two opportunities will be: October through November & mid-January through mid-March
• Those who do not have attend:
o Players who play other sports and gain a lot of physical training that way
o Players who have their own physical trainer or are already part of a program.
• 12U, 13U, 14U
o Outdoor Spring Summer practices will begin in April.
o The frequency of the practices, days, times etc. will be determined by the Head Coach
o These will last throughout the season.
o Most of these will focus on defense, base running, situational play & whatever the team needs
work on.
o Location: 200 Recreation Drive, Bolingbrook behind the large park district building on the left.
• 15U & 16-17U
o These will begin when the high school season ends sometime in June before the first tournament
o There will be one to two per week. This is up to the Head Coach.
o These will last throughout the season.
o They will be held at 200 Recreation Drive, Bolingbrook behind the large park district building on
the left.
• All Teams 8U thru 18U
o Hats 2
o Pants 2
o Jerseys 2
o Socks 2
o Belt 2
o Practice Shirt 1
o An On-Line store will be available at various times of the year with Venom Spirit Wear
• Fall Baseball (if offered) will be an extra charge on top of the 2022 season fee. Our 2022 season does not
officially begin until January.
• As of the date this document was created, it is possible if:
1. Full Rosters are created at any team level before the end of August
2. Enough families agree to pay the extra fee to play
3. We can get coaches to lead teams.
• If all three of these are in place, we will look for 3 to 4 Fall Tournaments to play in. We will not be entering
any kind of fall league.
• The price for Fall Ball is yet to be determined. There are too many mitigating factors to determine what
the exact charge will be. A very high-level look at what the price range could be: $300-$400.
• Can one or two teams wind of playing and not the rest? Yes. Teams must have all three of the above
musts in place.
PRICING (Increase):
• There is a price jump from 2021.
• To offer the amount of pro level training Venom does and pay for the type of coaches we are
looking for the increase could not be avoided.
• The two largest contributors to the increase.
1. Six 1 on 1 – In Season Lessons per player
2. Moving our indoor fielding practices from the small diamond at WBRSPC, to the large diamond.
The large one is much more expensive. The smaller one no longer suits our needs.
3. Increase in hired coach’s pay
• We truly believe that if you researched other organizations who offer the amount of pro-leveltraining we do on top of all paid coaches you will find we are still on the inexpensive side. Those
who do not have paid coaches and do not offer pro-level training are most likely less expensive. Yet,
there are organizations who are more expensive than Venom yet offer NONE of the above.
2022 Venom Player Fees
• 12U: $2595
• 13U: $2595
• 14U: $2859
• 15U: $2859
• 16-17U: $2859
1. $500 Deposit upon acceptance to play for Venom
2. $500 November 1st, 2021
3. $500 December 24th, 2021
4. $500 February 1st, 2022
5. $500 March 15th, 2022
6. $165 April 10th 2022 (12U & 13U) / $359 (14U, 15U & 16-17U